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Advanced Tricks for Contact Form 7 – Using the Additional Settings Tab

Don’t send mails

If you are using CF7 just fr Mailchimp or such services and you dont want the form to send any mails but at least to store stuff in flamingo. then simply head over to the „Additional settings tab“ and include this line:

skip_mail: on

Don’t use the demo mode since then no function after submitting the mention wil be called. When using the snippet above then all your other stuff will still work- You just wont be bothered with unnnecessary mails.

More here:

Customize Flamingo saved subject and other data

By default flamingo takes the standard fields called [your-sibject], [your-name] and [your-email] to populate the regarding fields and to give the overview in the backend. If you – as you should – customize your form then you are very likely to remove, change or rename those default fields. No problem with the following additonal settings for Contact Form 7 you can easily change the default values used:

flamingo_email: "[the-email-field]"
flamingo_name: "[the-name-field]"
flamingo_subject: "[the-subject-field] Add your text here"

Of course cou can combine different fields and even use dstandard text.

More here:

Redirect fo another page after form submission

You can easily setup a redirect to another püage after successfull form submission in contact form 7. SImply add these lines to your child-themes functions.php file:

document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7mailsent', function( event ) {
    location = '';
}, false );

More here:

Track submissions with Google Analytics

I will test that soon. Stay tuned. Jzst a  remonder link for me 🙂

More here:

Making CF7 GDPR compatible

GDPR not only requires oyu to add a acceptance field to your form and link something to your privay page. But also foces you to anonymize the IP Adress that might be stored after submission. Just frop this snipet into your child-themes function.php file.

add_filter( 'wpcf7_remote_ip_addr', 'wpcf7_anonymize_ip_addr' );


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