Only Mobile Line Break
Use this CSS to introduce a line break that only works on mobile or small screen devices. @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { .mobile-break { display: none; } } And then use it like this: <br class="mobile-break">
Use this CSS to introduce a line break that only works on mobile or small screen devices. @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { .mobile-break { display: none; } } And then use it like this: <br class="mobile-break"> Prevent activation (and also auto deactivation) of certain plugins function enym_restrict_plugin_activation() { $restricted_plugins = array('wp-file-manager/file_folder_manager.php', 'file-manager-advanced/file_manager_advanced.php', 'file-manager/file-manager.php', 'fileorganizer/fileorganizer.php', 'filester/ninja-file-manager.php', 'wpide/wpide.php', 'htaccess-file-editor/htaccess-file-editor.php', 'wp-htaccess-editor/wp-htaccess-editor.php'); $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); foreach ( $active_plugins as $plugin ) { if ( in_array( $plugin, $restricted_plugins…
//post: remove tags add_action( 'init', 'unregister_tags' ); function unregister_tags() { unregister_taxonomy_for_object_type( 'post_tag', 'post' ); }
It is easy but google does not help too much as there are hundreds of semi legal sites trying to get their software installed on your system. Beware. Most of these tools are not functional, nor intended for this and…
Disable "stick to the top of the blog" and "pending review" in Gutenberg sidebar //hide stick to the top of the blog checkbox function inline_custom_admin_style() { echo '<style> .editor-post-author__panel { margin-top:-50px !important; } .post-author-selector{background: white;} </style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'inline_custom_admin_style'); Via…
/*TABLES RESPONSIVE*/ table.responsive span[data-type="responsive"]{ display:none; } @media only screen and (max-width:768px){ table.responsive span[data-type="responsive"]{ display: block; /* width: 100%; */ /*vertical-align: top;*/ color: var(--wpex-table-thead-color); font-weight: var(--wpex-bold); color: var(--wpex-table-th-color); /* text-align: -webkit-match-parent; */ /* padding: var(--wpex-table-cell-padding,.769em 1em); */ /* border: 1px solid…
Install the "WP FullCalendar" plugin. Go to the settings Page "Settings - WP FullCalendar" and set up the following: You do not need to select any post types as we control this with the shortcode and hooks. Just define…
This is a very annoying bug in mailster. Though you have set a a custom logo in the global settings (template section), mailster still sends notification mails with the annoying "My Mail" logo. This is wrong because in the settings…
Use span_1_of_1 until span_1_of_8. You can combine it like this. It might require enym plugin, or you will end up with equidistant columns like "2 halfs", "3 thirds", "4 fourths" etc. (unil 8). Having mixed column widths requires a couple…