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Apple Custom Typography to other font elements in total theme

add_filter( 'wpex_typography_settings', function( $settings ) { if ( isset( $settings['entry_h1'] ) ) { $settings['entry_h1']['target'] = 'h1, .wpex-h1, .vcex-module h1, h1.vcex-heading'; } if ( isset( $settings['entry_h2'] ) ) { $settings['entry_h2']['target'] = 'h2, .wpex-h2, .vcex-module h2, h2.vcex-heading'; } if ( isset( $settings['entry_h3']…

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Remove Update Notification for specific plugin

This seems to work only if the plugin is active. but this is ok for me. function remove_update_notification($value) { //unset($value->response[ plugin_basename(__FILE__) ]); //when usin in plugin itself //if( isset( $value->response['facebook-comments-plugin/facebook-comments.php'] ) ) { unset( $value->response['organization-chart/wpdevart_chart.php'] ); //} return $value; }…

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Total Theme: use Font definitions for all Elements

add_filter( 'wpex_typography_settings', function( $settings ) { if ( isset( $settings['entry_h1'] ) ) { $settings['entry_h1']['target'] = 'h1, .wpex-h1, .vcex-module h1, h1.vcex-heading'; } if ( isset( $settings['entry_h2'] ) ) { $settings['entry_h2']['target'] = 'h2, .wpex-h2, .vcex-module h2, h2.vcex-heading'; } if ( isset( $settings['entry_h3']…

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Manually migrating a WordPress Website

Sometimes if you relaunch a design on a given website in your development system, you might want to finally bring it live in the best and cleanest form technically possible. Usually I use WP Vivid to migrate my finished product…

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Custom Category Shortcode

// Add Custom Category Shortcode function enym_statusx( $atts ) { // Attributes $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'label' => '', 'class' => '', 'link'=>'' ), $atts ); global $post; //$terms = wp_get_post_terms( $atts['post_id'], $atts['taxonomy']); //$term = get_term( '24', 'objektart' ); $terms…

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