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Turn more button into read more toggle // Hook into the vc_shortcode_content_filter flter to modify the vc_column_text content // and covert the more tag into an actual toggle button. add_filter( 'vc_shortcode_content_filter', function( $content, $shortcode ) { if ( 'vc_column_text' !== $shortcode ) { return $content; }…

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black laptop computer on white table

Overlay header exceptions

If you want global overlay header but on hoepage you want to have not template beneath? add_filter( 'wpex_overlay_header_template', function( $template_id ) { if ( is_front_page() ) { $template_id = ''; // you can set it to none and just add…

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computer screen shows programming codes

Total Theme helper classes for responsibility

Just for my own references. These are the helper classes which I always search for. hidden – Always Hiddenshow-at-mm-breakpoint – Visible At Mobile Menu Breakpointhide-at-mm-breakpoint – Hidden At Mobile Menu Breakpointhidden-desktop-large – Hidden on Large Desktops (1280px or greater)hidden-desktop – Hidden on Desktop (1024px or…

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