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Center and Re-order Mailster subscription form

The basic Mailster Subscription form is good, but not perfect. The order of the HTML elements is completely shit if you want it to look good, as the gdpr field is somewhere in between. So you need to reorder the fields, which is possible with CSS flex stuff.

If you want to achieve this:

Add this CSS:

.mailster-wrapper .mailster-email {
	max-width: 500px;
	min-width: 300px;
	height: 60px;

.mailster-wrapper .submit-button,
.mailster-wrapper .mailster-email-wrapper input,
input.mailster-email {
	height: 60px;

.mailster-submit-wrapper {
	margin-top: 0 !important;

.mailster-email-wrapper { grid-area: email; width: 400px;}
.mailster-_gdpr-wrapper { grid-area: gdpr; }
.mailster-submit-wrapper { grid-area: submit; }

.mailster-form-fields {
	display: grid;
		"email submit" 
		"gdpr gdpr";
	justify-content: center;

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