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Finally: Disable all Chrome Site Notifications and Prompts

How to disable chromesnotification system

Chrome still is my favorite browser but the longer I use it the more concerned I am with privacy. ALso I hate a löot of the new features like the notification system that allows websites to send push notifications directly to the browser. I don’t want it and it is rather complicxated to turn this annoying stuff off.

How to turnoff Chromes push notification Annoyance

First click on the icon in the top right corner of any Chrome window to open up the settings page. Scroll to „website settings“ and open this section.

1. Go to „website settings“ (Website-Einstellungen, bottom right)

Afterwards another page with hundreds of options opens. Scroll a little down and open the section labelled „nitifications“.

2. Goto to „notifications“ (Benachrichtigungen, bottom right)

Now the option to globally disable the prompts and the function is misleading. The label is „ask before sending“ (Vor dem Senden nachfragen) which also has the hint that it is the preferred option. Noit is not. Switch it off to block all notification requests from any websites. You will see that it isthe right settings directly after cause now the labels states „blocked“ (Blockiert), which is what we anted to accomplish.

3. Switch it off!!
4. Now we see that it is blocked! Great.

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