/*CAROUSEL ARROWS*/ .wpex-carousel__arrow-icon svg, .wpex-carousel__arrow-icon.wpex-icon, .wpex-carousel__arrow svg /*, .wpex-slider .sp-arrow-inner*/ { display: none; } .wpex-carousel__arrow:where(:not(.theme-button))…
How to Fix WPBakery Page Builder not working in Toolset anymore
Toolset introduced major support for the Block editor. It is a nice touch and I think it will be the future. I am very much used to the options of the WBBakery Page Builder though, salso the framewqork or theme I am using the most has great support for WPBakery. This is why I keep on using it.
Nontheless often WPBakery doers not load anmore properly for instance if you want to use it for creating a template. If this happens you need to disable and re-enable Gutenberg from the WPBakery settings. Thats it. It will load no for whatever reason.