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How to get a 100 in Google PageSpeed and 99 in GTMetrix and Pingdom Tools with WordPress!

i was struggling for quite some time to get a decent nice rating for the performance. The majpr tools seemed pretty picky and all the measures i found were not fully satisfying. My recent approach though was amazing. I now have pretty awesome results with my average WordPress main site. Have a look:

Pingdom Tools – Grade A – 94

Googel PageSpeed – A Score of 100


GTMetrix – 99%

How did I do that? Let me explain

This is where i started: 70 Average rating from Pingdom tools.

I used these tools:

  • At first i Did a Plesk check to make sure all necessary apache modules are active: deflate and expire.
  • Then i installed these two plugins:
  • Some minor htaccess tweaks for longer expires and gzip
  • At least soem tweaking on the them side: I have put all my CSS in my child themes style.css and ditched the revolution slider for a basic and slim slider-element.

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