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Inline JS and CSS in WordPress for Backend and Gutenberg

Disable „stick to the top of the blog“ and „pending review“ in Gutenberg sidebar

//hide stick to the top of the blog checkbox
function inline_custom_admin_style() {
echo '<style>
.editor-post-author__panel {
        margin-top:-50px !important;
.post-author-selector{background: white;}
add_action('admin_head', 'inline_custom_admin_style');


Set the „top toolbar“ option in gutenberg by default

function jba_enable_editor_fixedToolbar_by_default() {
    $script = "window.onload = function() { const isfixedToolbar = 'core/edit-post' ).isFeatureActive( 'fixedToolbar' ); if ( !isfixedToolbar ) { 'core/edit-post' ).toggleFeature( 'fixedToolbar' ); } }";
    wp_add_inline_script( 'wp-blocks', $script );
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'jba_enable_editor_fixedToolbar_by_default' );


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