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Total Theme: Whitelist WPBakery Elements for card builder, grid and flex container

Whitelist in Flex Container

add_filter( 'vcex_flex_container_allowed_elements', function( $elements ) {
    $elements .= ',vcex_image_swap'; //Because of how WPBakery works notice that $elements is a comma separated string, not an array (unlike the cards filter).
    return $elements;
} );

Whitelist in Grid Container

add_filter( 'vcex_grid_container_allowed_elements', function( $elements ) {
    $elements .= ',vcex_image_swap'; //Because of how WPBakery works notice that $elements is a comma separated string, not an array (unlike the cards filter).
    return $elements;
} );

add_filter( 'vcex_flex_container_allowed_elements', function( $elements ) {
    $elements .= ',vcex_image_swap'; //Because of how WPBakery works notice that $elements is a comma separated string, not an array (unlike the cards filter).
    return $elements;
} );

Whitelist in Post Card Builder

add_filter( 'wpex_card_builder_allowed_shortcodes_list', 'filter_the_content_in_the_main_loop', 1 );

function filter_the_content_in_the_main_loop( $shortcodes_whitelist ) {

	$shortcodes_whitelist[] = 'vcex_toggle';
	$shortcodes_whitelist[] = 'vcex_column_side_border';
	$shortcodes_whitelist[] = 'vc_raw_html';
	$shortcodes_whitelist[] = 'vcex_icon_box';
	$shortcodes_whitelist[] = 'vcex_list_item';	
	$shortcodes_whitelist[] = 'vcex_flex_container';
	$shortcodes_whitelist[] = 'vcex_image_banner';

	return $shortcodes_whitelist;

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