/*CAROUSEL ARROWS*/ .wpex-carousel__arrow-icon svg, .wpex-carousel__arrow-icon.wpex-icon, .wpex-carousel__arrow svg /*, .wpex-slider .sp-arrow-inner*/ { display: none; } .wpex-carousel__arrow:where(:not(.theme-button))…
[TUT] How to create a new WPBakery component
As I wrote in “How to remove unused components from WPBakery” we like to create a small plugin “sodawebmedia-wpbakery” where we add all of our custom WPBakery modules. If you choose not to have a small plugin and prefer to have the code in the theme folder, I recommend creating a separate file for your modules. While you could add all the code in functions.php
, it can get messy and confusing very quickly. Instead, create a folder, something like vc-components
and inside create a file that reflects the component you are about to custom code. In our case, we can have vc-soda-blockquote.php
. Now, in function.php
we can reference our file.
Read more: https://www.sodawebmedia.com/insights/how-to-create-a-new-wpbakery-visual-composer-component/